


Substance Use Policy

SNA Policy

Custody Access Separation Policy

Ballygar NS Updated Critical Incident Policy

Child Protection & Safeguarding Statement

Anti Bullying Policy 2022

Intimate Care Policy

Update Covid 19 Policy Statement August 2021

Ballygar NS Updated Covid 19 Risk Assessment

Child protection and Safeguarding Statement

Child Safeguarding Statement 2020

Child Protection risk assessment 2020

Anti bullying policy

Attendance Policy

Code of Discipline

SSE Maths Summary for Parents

Healthy Eating Policy

First Aid Policy

Homework Policy

Admissions Policy

SEN policy

Assessment policy

Data protection policy

Data Protection Statement for Parents Guardians of pupils

RSE Policy

School Improvement plan Oral Language

Health & Safety Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Supervision Policy

AUP Policy

Administration of Medicine Policy