School Day

9.20 a.m. Instruction begins.
2.00 p.m. School ends for Junior and Senior Infants
3.00 p.m. School ends for all other classes

All pupils are expected to be punctual.
No responsibility is accepted for pupils outside or these times.


Travel to and from school

  • Pupils are encouraged to walk all, or part of the way, to and from school.
  • While the school has no legal responsibility or control over pupils travelling to or from school they are expected to behave in a manner in keeping with school standards.
  • They will be regularly instructed and advised on Road Safety, Role of Traffic Wardens, Use of Public Transport, Good Citizenship, etc.
  • The staff of the school cannot accept responsibility for pupils before  9.10a.m.
  • Pupils with bikes should not cycle until they are outside the school grounds.
  • Parents should observe the one-way system which operates in the morning and afternoon.